Friday, April 4, 2014

Are You Facing a Problem Or a Fact of Life?

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A problem or a fact of life?

There are problems that don’t have a solution. Death is one example. It ceases to be a problem, for we can do nothing about it. We can preserve a dead body inside a glass coffin as what Imelda Marcos did to her husband Ferdinand (Philippine dictator for 20 years!) for around 22 years. Marcos didn’t wake up until now. I was there at Marcos’ viewable grave. I felt bad inside me, for why make such a disgusting spectacle. Who is he in history books, by the way? Death is a fact of life, not a problem, because it doesn’t have a solution at all!

Being not good-looking is a fact of life and plastic surgery is a temporary solution only to the fact.

If you don’t like your face, your looks-–well, you can have you face changed as what Michael Jackson did to his. To the poorer ones, they say, that if your problem is your face, don’t face the problem! Well, that’s more humor than reality, for you cannot avoid seeing your looks after the invention of the mirror. Being not good-looking is a fact of life and plastic surgery is a temporary solution only to the fact!

The truth is that we are sometimes less victorious with our problems, because the first rule in solving them is acceptance that they indeed exist and that they have respective solutions. For, without a solution, a problem becomes a fact of life, and thus ceases to exist (as a problem).

Most of the time, our problems are just our own making.

The other issue that is of interest is that most of our problems are simply our own making. A man reaps what he sows, says the Good Book.

The sick and twisted doesn't have a problem with his guilt as if his conscience malfunctions. Such is a fact of his riotous life, too.

I think to be truly at peace with ourselves, the first thing that we need to do is to identify what area of our being is susceptible to the harassment of our own guilt. If you don’t feel guilty killing people, for instance, then your keen sense of good moral judgment is defective, hence the prison cell is no problem to you. For you understand that it is always a part of you. Committing a crime is just very natural to you; it is part of your being a killer and a criminal. There is no true peace however to the sinner, even if he has a twisted and sick conscience and a wrestled sense of guilt.

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About the Author:

A former educator, Jun P. Espina is a family man, blogger, painter, a Bible believer, businessman and a lover of books. He believes that it's always good to be alive, and that there's truth that is wisdom to the wise and foolishness to the fools.

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