Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Dark Reality Inside Us As Manisfested in Our Confused and Inconsistent Views on What is Right

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The Dark Reality Inside Us

Why is it that we are not improving, for example, in our moral values and judgments, in spite of the explosion of knowledge and the endless establishment of school institutions? It seems we don't advance ourselves. We are improving in many aspects of our life as we witness the advent of mobile phones and other technological wonders of our generation. The U.S. has the capability, and we all know that, of waging war from its warships, even without sending troops on the ground. Based on our achievements, our skyscrapers, our computers--we are super humans! Yet, inside us, we are no different from the people of this world 500 years ago—we tend monkey our ways. We are left behind, while all around us are making progress. Survey shows that most convicts and prostitutes alike are diploma holders. Moreover, why do we love to decorate our bodies with tattoos, or at least, approve those actors and actresses wearing them, when this practice belonged only to the unschooled and wicked people from ages long past and forgotten? Why is it that most of our young, particularly movie personalities, would want to portray themselves as being bad and wild people? Why? Why most girls tend to love the bad boys and to frown at the good ones? Who is twisting our minds to love the unlovely, and to do what is tabooed and deemed unnatural and inhuman? Most movies are making lovely actresses as whores and vampires—what’s happening, why are we this squirmed? We seemed confused and inconsistent!

The Reality Inside That Seems Confused and Inconsistent

There’s indeed something wrong somewhere in this world. Most of the Arabs are anti-American, but are more than willing to die for the American brand of democracy. What’s happening to us? If America would send troops to Libya, to let its soldiers die for the freedom of a nation who hated them so much (because of Israel!), the opinion of the region is that the U.S. is interested of Libyan oil. But if America would just fold its hand, people around would begin to say: What kind of a leader is America? What a weak foreign policy?

Even Our Educational System Failed to Give Us Some Light on What is Right

Now, what’s happening to our educational system? There are surveys that show more functional illiteracy yearly in most countries. After graduation, our children tend to act as if they are unschooled—illiterates! Isn’t this phenomenon simply the result of too much modernization—of information overload? There’s indeed something wrong somewhere, indeed.

Our Church Leaders Seem to Love the People More than God's Truth Making Us All the More Confused

Pope Francis of the Catholic Church is one edifice of religious confusion. When asked about gay priests, he answered: "Who am I to judge?" And this is the culmination of Pope Francis most confused philosophy published at

"God is in everyone's life. Even if the life of a person has been a disaster, even if it is destroyed by vices, drugs or anything else_God is in this person's life."

This pronouncement is equivalent to saying that God is a party to sin. On the contrary, the Bible said that Mary Magdalene, during the days of her prostitution, was ruled by 7 demons. (cf. Mark 16:9). This is the common mindset of a leader, religious or otherwise as in the case of President Obama who approved gay marriage, who loves the people more than God. For the Bible says, that Church leaders are ambassadors or spokespersons of God. They should not put words into God's mouth. They should not use a "Who am I to judge" argument, because God has a word for gay people already that they cannot "inherit the kingdom of God." Observe this verse in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.(NASB)


The dark reality inside us as manifested in our confused and inconsistent views on what is right requires, to use a Bible doctrine, the intervention of God's Spirit who will teach us all truth. Outside of God, we will continue on to deteriorate in the areas of moral standards just like the legalization of gay marriage.

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About the Author:

A former educator, Jun P. Espina is a family man, blogger, painter, a Bible believer, businessman and a lover of books. He believes that it's always good to be alive, and that there's truth that is wisdom to the wise and foolishness to the fools.

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